The Robin Nesting Preferences

Robins thrive in northern Canada and the United States as well as in Europe. Although mainly resident birds, they tend to migrate to the south during winter. In Canada and the colder zones in the U.S., the robins usually fly off to the southern states like Florida, the Gulf Coast, Mexico and the Pacific Coast in winter time. By the end of August, they start leaving again and then head toward north in February and March. Winter in Europe means robins flying off to Spain and Portugal together with immigrant birds from Scandinavia and continental Europe.

These birds generally like shrubs and trees for their nesting sites. The American Robin prefers habitats such as woodlands, meadows, open farmlands and urban areas like parks and lawns. It builds nests shaped like cups using dead leaves, moss, twigs and roots as well as grass, hair, wool and mud for the inner lining. The robins like to construct their nests in a hole in a tree stump, bank or wall. Some unusual nesting sites include kettles, cars and coat pockets.

Robins are territorial birds but this behavior is more evident during the breeding season and other times, while feeding. The males usually go back to their summer breeding grounds ahead of the females and begin to look for suitable nesting locations. As with most small birds, the females are responsible for building the nest wherein she lays two to four light blue eggs. Incubation of the smooth eggs is also done by the female the feeding of the young is the responsibility of both parents.


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